Wednesday, March 11, 2009

oppressed (mos'taz'afaan)

my mind is pretty busy with upcoming elections and can say i monitor it as close as i can through the media, only though. today i read that mr. Mousavi, a foundamentalist but a reformist, had announced his candidacy. he's somewhere in between. not a reformist but a reformist, with values of fundamentalism but a fundamentalist!
he's a reasonable individual. i don't know if how he handled the situation, at the time he was prime minister, was the best and we sure did suffered, but it worth considering we were in war and even tehran which was 1000 kilometers away from baghdad, was being bombarded and missiled.
i read part of his candidacy announcement article today. it was a flash back to 20+ years ago. here's what he said:

مهندس موسوي در اين بيانيه با اشاره به اين موضوع که "مستضعفان مطمئن‌ترين پايگاه براي ارزش‌هاي برآمده ‏از انقلاب اسلامي هستند" تلاش کرده است بر نقش ميانه خود در ارزش‌هاي اصلاح طلبي و اصولگرايي تاکيد ‏ورزد. ‏
(link to article here)
translation: mr. Mousavi stated that oppressed (mos'taz'afaan) are the most reliable base for revolutionary values (to protect them) and he had emphasized on his balanced approach toward fundamentalism and reforms.

the phrase was very discomforting and disturbing. what's not clear here is the definition of oppressed.
30 years ago, by the time of revolution we had a definition of oppressed, which could be very different from what we have today. there's a senselessness in the phrase. the profile of oppressed had changed. i wonder whether he understands that or not. that's what i am scared of. someone living in 20 + years ago who intends to run for presidency. however, at the end i think he would do a much better job than the incumbent!

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