Tuesday, January 13, 2009

forced to be a good man

in the another capter of "celebrities apology" sitcom comedies, prince harry. he had called one of his troopers who happens to eb pakistani a "paki". apparently a racist word. well the lad had wore a "swastika" the Nazi arm band in one the parties he was in adntehn apologised to jewish community, he called his troopers a paki, another one a raghead. maybe he is a racist. what's wrong with that? we could denounce it (i would), but why should we (as mob and media) expect him to change into something else?
well i guess media has large part to do with it (check this). senseless content and mass brain wash. funny thing is that, it has become so serious an affair for the public that you get the feeling as if they own the guy and funny is that all of them apologise. no one comes out and say, hey i said that, i did that! all say i'm sorry.
isn't it pathetic?

1 comment:

g said...

it seems better that when im trying to be dormant here!
thats made u making more update than ever :d
hush............ :d
more...! write more
without evers intruder
bang !! (detonate cause of beeing in silence :D )