Thursday, May 28, 2009


being thousand miles away simply doesn't help. it's election time and i find myself even more anxious than 12 years ago when khatami was elected for te first time. the energy amongst people especially the youth was fantastic. it was so full of hope. although, i believe, the expectations were somehow way off the reality and people expected some founadmental changes, which were far from reality and expectation management is simply not there, but one thnig was obvious and that was how hope brought the people together and brought them to life. the vibes changed.

we have a immensly difficult task in front of us for change. now we need foundamental change and that change starts within. we as individual need and have to change. our manners, way of life shall change or we are doomed. we need to live responsibly and enjoy it responsibly. people need to realise that one person can only do so much. the rest is up to us.

my hope is for a reformist to be elected, which one i still don't know. and if there would be a run off, then i am looking forward to see two reformists be selected. i crave to see ahmadinejad get less than 10% of the votes (is it a "dream on boy" wish?)

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